
How do I create a RFP, RFQ, or Bid Contract on the website?

You have an RFP, RFQ, RFI, or Bid coming up and want to make sure you are properly represented online.  Here is your opportunity!  A few things to know first:

  • You are now required to have an online page for your RFP, RFQ, RFI, and/or Bid.
  • You must create a pending page before you send an advertisement.
  • The advertisement must include a link to the page.
  • For the sake of this article, any RFP, RFQ, RFI, Bid or similar will be forward generalized as a 'Contract'

To create a Contract Page

  1. If you have never created a new Contract on the Intranet before, first request access by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
  2. Visit the BRA Intranet homepage and click on Tools and Resources, then Contracts OR bookmark the Contracts Portal directly.
  3. Scroll to very bottom of the Contracts Portal landing page, and click the "Add New" button. NOTE: if you have been granted access to the Contracts portal but do not see an "Add New" button, try refreshing the page.
  4. Fill in the form that appears.
    Type, Status, Title, Contact, Description, Date Available, and Due Date are all required fields.
    ABOUT STATUS: The Status will be set to Draft when you create a new Contract. "Draft" Contracts WILL NOT be visible on the public-facing website once you save. You may save your Contract as a Draft if you would like to start working on it in advance, and come back to it later. However, if you need a link for a newspaper advertisement, but your Contract is not yet available, set the Status as "Pending". "Pending" Contracts WILL BE VISIBLE on the public website. "Date Available" is the date that the Contract will open and be available for download on the website. You may put in any date in the future, and the Contract will appear "Pending" on the website until that date, when it will automatically change to a status of "Open".
  5. Click "Save".
  6. Click the "Documents" tab.
  7. Upload your Advertisement:
    1. Click Choose File and select the Ad (Type of Document should be set as Advertisement).
    2. Click Upload.
    3. Your Advertisement will now appear in the list of Documents. Note that your file will be automatically renamed "Advertisement".
  8. Upload your Contract:
    1. Click Choose File and select the contract PDF
      (Type of Document should be set as Contract).
    2. Click Upload.
    3. Your Contract will now appear in the list of Documents. Note that your contract will be automatically renamed to the Title of your contract. Also note: your contract document can be uploaded ahead of time, while the Contract is still "Pending". The contract will not be available for download until the status is "Open".
  9. Confirm that the right contract and ad were uploaded by clicking on them in the list.

To view/add planholders

  1. Note that when someone downloads your contract from the BRA website, their information will automatically appear in the "Planholders" tab:
  2. If you should need to add a Planholder manually, simply click "Add new record", fill in the fields that appear, and hit the checkbox.
  3. You may also download the list of Planholders as a CSV:

To add a Bid Result

  1. Go to the Contracts Portal
  2. Find your RFP, RFQ, or Bid by searching in the Search box.
  3. Click on the "Bid Results" tab, then "Add new record". Fill in the Company, Value, and Address fields, and mark whether the Bid was a Shortlist or Awarded if applicable. You do not need to fill in the ID field. Note that you can upload the actual Bid document by clicking on the "Select .PDF" button.
  4. Click the checkbox when you are done.

To add an Addendum or other Document

  1. Prepare your Addendum by ensuring that it is in PDF format, and name the file "Addendum 1" (or 2, 3, 4 etc.) Addenda files ARE NOT renamed when uploaded, so your filename should be clear.
  2. Go to the Contracts Portal
  3. Find your RFP, RFQ, or Bid by searching in the Search box.
  4. Click the "Documents" tab

  5. Upload your Addendum (Make sure it is a PDF file type).
    1. Click Choose File

    2. Select the Addenda (Type of Document should be Addenda)

    3. Press Upload

  6. Confirm that the right addendum was uploaded. NOTE: once uploaded, the Addendum will automatically be appended to your Contract PDF when someone downloads the Contract from the BRA website. Note that the Planholders WILL NOT be automatically notified that a new addendum has been added. You will need to email the list of Planholders yourself to notify them that a new Addendum has been uploaded.

For uploading documents other than Addenda, please refer to the chart below.

Table of Document Types

File types supported are PDF, Word, Excel, and ZIP.

Document TypeWill Document Be Renamed?Notes
Contract Yes- to Title of Contract Must be PDF format. Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Addenda No Multiple files can be uploaded. Must be PDF format. Each Addendum will be appended to Contract PDF.
Advertisement Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Attendance sheet Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Responses to Questions during pre-proposal Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Supplemental Material Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Bid Opening Attendance Sheet Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Bid Day Forms Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Filed Sub Bids Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Executed Contract Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Board Memo Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Approved Prequalified Bidders List Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Register of Responders Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
Comments Yes Only one can be uploaded. Uploading a new document will replace previously uploaded document.
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