
Upload Planning documents (including Zoom recordings)

Note: for uploading Zoom recordings, please first download your recording MP4 file from Zoom, and upload it to a Box folder. Share the file publicly in Box by clicking on "Share > People with the link".share.jpg

To upload a document to the Document Center:

  1. In Kentico, navigate to Document Center > Planning > and then the appropriate folder for your Planning Initiative type.
  2. Find the folder for your specific Planning Initiative.
  3. Right-click on the folder title, select "New" and then "BRA - Document"
  4. Type in the File Name.
  5. For Zoom recordings, skip this step and go to step 7. Do not upload a file. For all other documents - Click on "Upload file." 
  6. Select the file from your desktop or other location and click "Open."
  7. Scroll down to the "Related Programs" box.
  8. Click inside the list, and begin typing the title of your Planning Initiative to find it in the list. Click to select the name.
  9. Once the related Planning Initiative name is highlighted, scroll down and select the Related Neighborhood(s) of the Planning Initiative and then the Document Date. (If associated with a meeting, choose the meeting date.)
  10. Click "Save."
  11. Navigate to the "Properties" tab, and then click on "Categories" in the lefthand menu.
  12. Click "Add categories".
  13. Select BRA-Document Type > the appropriate document type, then BRA-Department > Planning >  your Planning Initiative type.  If you do not see an appropriate category, contact the Web Content Manager.
  14. Click "OK."
  15. For Zoom recordings only (skip this step and go directly to step 16 for all other types of documents): Click "Navigation" in the lefthand menu. Under "Menu Actions" select the radio button "URL redirection." In the "URL redirection" field, paste the Shared link of your Box file. Click Save, then Submit for approval.
  16. Go back to the "Form" tab, and Save and Submit for Approval.
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