Intranet Purchasing Requisitions Program
To improve the efficiency of the BRA/EDIC/JCS purchasing process, Budget and Finance and MIS have implemented an Intranet requisitions program. The program allows any staff person to initiate a requisition, though supervisors may choose to limit usage to selected staff.
The automated process mirrors the previous three-part paper form. The input screen is similar in appearance to the familiar paper form and the approval process and rules are the same.
- To begin a requisition, a user chooses Requisitions from the Intranet menu. The user is then presented with the login screen
- You select your name from the drop down list (sorted by last name + first name). Then click Login.
- You can also open previously saved drafts or view previously approved or rejected requisitions.
- When you click Create Requisition, you will see the input screen:
- Starting from the upper left of the form: from the drop-down list, choose the Agency that will be paying for your desired purchase.
- The Originator and the Phone will already be filled in based on the name you selected when you logged in.
- The Project/Purpose will be filled in with whatever you entered as a purpose previously.
- Select the Facility/Ship To location and check the Attention To.
- On the upper right of the form, you can click the box next to Open PO if you want to use a previously established open purchase order for your request. If so, you will need to select the open purchase order that you want to use from the pop-up list that will appear.
- You must choose a vendor. Click on the X to choose one.
- If you can’t find your vendor in the list, you should click tab that says Add a Vendor. If you do, you will see the add vendor screen:
- The social security number or federal tax ID (SSN/Fed. ID) of the vendor is required. You will need to get that number from the vendor when you get a price quote. Check the boxes for state (or city) blanket contract vendor and for minority/woman owned business enterprise when appropriate. Please add all addresses and names in mixed case, e.g. New Vendor and 27 Oak St., Boston, MA 02114 rather than in all capital letters. Click Add Vendor when done.
- If your purchase request is above $5000 (and not from a state or city blanket contract) you must attach three written price quotes. To do so, click the X next to Click to attach price quote.
- You can select either Hand Submitted Attachment or Upload an Attachment. If you choose Hand
- Submitted Attachment, you will see:
- You then should write on your hard copy price quote the requisition number shown on the screen and send it through interoffice mail to the proper purchasing agent at 152 North Street: Bob Arnold for the BRA or Lissi Dehlsen for the EDIC/JCS entities.
- If you have an electronic price quote, you can attach it to the requisition by browsing to the right file on your hard drive or on the network, and then clicking Upload File. You can use e-mail price quotes by saving them as plain text files. You can also use Word (DOC), Excel (XLS), rich text (RTF), Adobe Acrobat (PDF), and HTML files.
- Close the upload window when you’re done.
- The lower half of the form includes spaces for additional vendors and quotes and for the details of your purchase. You can select or add two more vendors and attach price quotes in the same way as above. Two additional verbal quotes are required for purchases over $1000 and less than $5000 that are not from a state or city blanket contract vendor.
- Select the vendor and then enter the price.
- If the requisition is for computer equipment or software, check that box on the form by clicking with your mouse.
- If the requisition is for copying and office furniture/equipment purchases, Check the box for copying and office furniture/equipment purchases
- If the requisition involves travel or graphic arts on JCS funds, check that box.
- You can now enter the details of your purchase—description of the item, catalog or part number (optional), quantity, unit (optional), and unit cost. Click Add Another Line if you need more than three lines.
- Do not press Enter to move between columns. Use the tab key or your mouse. Internet Explorer treats Enter as a command to submit the form. If you press Enter, your form will be saved as a draft and you will have to re-enter the item details.
- Click Update when you are done entering the items. This will calculate and display your price information.
- The Notes area will be filled in with whatever text you entered in the Description box at the beginning of the requisition process. You can add whatever additional notes you wish.
- If you know any of the other accounting details, you should enter them. You can add more accounting rows if necessary.
- Click Update when done. You can print a hard copy; you can save the requisition (as a draft for later review) or Submit it immediately.
- You can check the status of any requisition you have created that hasn’t been finally approved or rejected by clicking on Open.
- If your requisition is rejected just for missing information or if you convince the reviewer to change her/his mind, you can re-open it by clicking on Rejected; you will be able to convert it into a draft. You can then edit and re-submit it.
- If the requisition has been approved at all the necessary review steps, it will receive a purchase order number and you will automatically be notified of the approval and purchase order number by e-mail. You can then print a copy of the completed purchase order by clicking on Approved and then clicking on the requisition you want to print.
- You then can click on Vendor Purchase Order which will display a “print-friendly” version of the purchase order ready for mailing or faxing.
- You then choose File, Print from your Internet Explorer menu if you want a printed copy.
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