
How do I connect to City of Boston WIFI?

There are two wifi available that is available from the City of Boston.

  • Wicked Free Wifi
    Should be used when using personal devices and only need to access email/internet.
  • Cityhall-employee
    Should only be used when there is a need to access BRA resources. Mostly used with BRA resources.

To connect to the “Wicked Free Wifi”. You only need to select it from the list of available Wifi on your device. There are no passcode required.

To connect to the “cityhall-employee” wifi. You will need to use your company issued network account. This is the BRA account that is used to log onto your work computer.


Steps for Windows Computer

  1. Go to your WIFI icon.
  2. Select "Wicked Free Wi-Fi"
  3. Click on "Connect"
  4. Wait for the Connecting popup to complete.
  5. Check to see if you can not access the internet



Steps for Apple devices

  1. Go to your apple device settings
  2. Select Wi-Fi on the menu and turn on "Wi-Fi".

  3. Select “cityhall-employee” wifi.
  4. Enter your Network account and password. Be sure to add “BRA\” in front of the username.
  5. Accept the certificate prompt
  6. You should now be connected.


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