
What are appropriate uses of the resources?

The following list describes appropriate use of the resources listed above. The list is not comprehensive but serves to illustrate and help interpret the appropriate use of said resources:

  • Book all resources through the Google calendar. If you do not need them then remember to unbook them.
  • Promptly return all resources at the end of your meeting.
  • End conference calls at the appropriate time.
  • Finish meetings in booked rooms on time.
  • Don’t be negligent with the equipment.
  • Reach out to IT Helpdesk before booking if you do not know how to use a resource.
  • Book some buffer time pre-meeting (15-30 minutes before and after) to be fair to other employees also scheduling time with a resource.
  • Do not download applications and programs from the web that are not work related or constitute misuse of such equipment.
  • Do not save documents or presentations on a resource laptop. Use a USB memory stick (IT can provide you with a loaner).
  • Clear history of downloads upon returning resources (Go to IT Support for a FAQ or help).
  • Log out of Gmail, Apple, and all other accounts that were used or logged into while said resource was rented.
  • Report any damage seen or noticed to the Helpdesk.
  • Plan with IT Helpdesk for the appropriate wires and equipment for your presentation needs.
  • Book resources for a responsible amount of time to be respectful of others. Do not book resources for extra time that is not needed.
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